Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wildlife Myths

The majority of children’s knowledge about the natural world is gained through television, instead of direct contact with nature. Does this effect a child’s perception of wildlife? Project WILD’s activity “Saturday Morning Wildlife Watching,” takes a look at misconceptions that may occur. Instead of watching a television show in class, have students think about cartoons they have seen in the past. As an extension, take students for a wildlife hike around school grounds, or in a natural area.

Book List
Grades PreK-2
Dennard, D. 1997. Do Cats Have Nine Lives? Lerner Publishing Group.
Dennard, D. 1997. How Wise Is an Owl? Lerner Publishing Group.
Ernst, L.C. 2003. Goldilocks Returns. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
Holub, J. 2004. Why Do Snakes Hiss?: And Other Questions about Snakes, Lizards, and Turtles. Penguin Young Readers Group.
Lowell, S. 2004. Dusty Locks and the Three Bears. Holt, Henry Books for Young Readers.
Moore, J.E. 1995. Bats: A Complete Thematic Unit. Evan-Moor Educational Publishers.
Perlman, J. 1995. Cinderella Penguin. Penguin Young Readers Group.
Simon, S. 1987. Animal Fact, Animal Fable. Random House Children's Books.
Simon, S. 1994. Snakes. HarperCollins Publishers.
Spinelli, E. 2004. Sophie's Masterpiece. Aladdin.
Stanley, D. 2007. Goldie and the Three Bears. HarperCollins Publishers.

Grades 3-5
Boutiller, J. 2005. Pigs Aren't Dirty, Bears Aren't Slow: And Other Truths about Misunderstood Animals. Annick Press, Limited.
McConoughey, J. and H. Schroeder. 1983. Wolves. Silver Burdett Press.
Sussman, S. 1987. Lies (people believe) About Animals. Albert Whitman.
Ra'Oof, M.O. 1995. Little Stinky Skunk. A + Children's Books and Music.
Waldrop, V.H., D. Anker, and E.B. Blizard. 1988. Unhuggables: The Truth about Snakes, Slugs, Skunks, Spiders, and Other Animals That Are Hard to Love. National Wildlife Federation.
White, E.B. 1974. Charlotte's Web. HarperCollins Publishers.

Grades 6-8
Sway, M. 1999. Bats: Mammals That Fly. Scholastic Library Publishing.

Grades 9-12
Mattison, C. 1995. Encyclopedia of Snakes. Facts on File, Incorporated.
Shedd, W. 2001. Owls Aren't Wise & Bats Aren't Blind: A Naturalist Debunks Our Favorite Fallacies About Wildlife. Crown Publishing Group.
Tait, M. 2006. Animal Tragic: Popular Misconceptions of Wildlife through the Centuries. Think Books.