Trees as Habitats
Winter is a great time to explore how trees provide homes for wildlife. Project Learning Tree’s activity “Trees as Habitats” allows students to take a look at the interrelationships between different organisms that use trees.
Use this activity in combination with “Adopt-a-Tree.” What animals are using the tree now? If they can’t find any, can they find their evidence (tracks, nests, holes, etc.)? Have students visit the same tree in the spring. Do the same animals use the tree? Are there more or less animals in the spring?
Book List
Grades PreK-2
Brenner, B. 2004. One Small Space in a Tree. HarperCollins.
Brett, J. 1989. The Mitten. G.P. Putnam Sons.
Bunting, E. 1994. The Night Tree. Voyager Books.
Costian, M. 2001. Life in a Tree: Focus, Habitat. Tandem Library.
Denver, J. 1990. Alfie the Christmas Tree. National Wildlife Federation.
Fisher, A. 1965. In the Woods, In the Meadow, In the Sky. Scribner.
Hutchins, P. 1972. Good-Night Owl!. MacMillan.
Iverson, D. 1999. My Favorite Tree: Teriffic Trees of North America. Dawn Publications.
Lavies, B. 1989. Tree Trunk Traffic. Dutton.
Pfeffer, W. 1997. A Log’s Life. Simon & Schuster.
Ryder, J. 1989. A Chipmunk Song. Lodestar Books.
Seiffert, P. 1994. Exploring Tree Habitats (Exploring Habitats). Mondo Publishing.
Schwartz, D. 1999. In a Tree. Gareth Steven Publications.
Van Laan, N. 2000. A Tree for Me. Random House.
Grades 3-5
Brenner, B. 2004. One Small Space in a Tree. HarperCollins.
Bunting, E. 1994. The Night Tree. Voyager Books.
Denver, J. 1990. Alfie the Christmas Tree. National Wildlife Federation.
Hutchins, P. 1972. Good-Night Owl!. MacMillan.
Pfeffer, W. 1997. A Log’s Life. Simon & Schuster.
Tresselt, A. 1992. The Gift of a Tree. Lothrop, Lee & Shephard Books.
Wong, H & Vessel, M. 1969. Our Tree. Addison-Wesley.