Thursday, April 07, 2016

Iowa Science Standards Summer Institutes: Supporting Classroom Transitions

Since the adoption of Iowa’s new science standards in August 2015, Iowa educators have been engaged in learning about the structure, foundations, and conceptual shifts of the new standards.
The Iowa Department of Education is sponsoring day-long science institutes June 15-17, 2016. With national and state science education leaders, participants will engage in three-dimensional science learning experiences and will explore various resources and instructional practices that support the standards.
Where: West Des Moines Valley High School
Times: 8:00AM-4:00PM (tentative times)
Each day will be focused on content and pedagogy for specific grade bands. Participation in this event assumes knowledge of the structure, foundations, and conceptual shifts of the standards; districts needing this overview of the standards should contact their AEA science consultants.
There is no registration fee but registration is required for planning purposes. On-line registration is now open:

Registration June 15 
elementary school
Registration June 16 middle school
Registration June 17 high school

Cost: There is no cost to attend. Participants or their districts are responsible for any expenses incurred such as meals and mileage. There are a variety of off-site lunch locations near West Des Moines Valley High School. Lunch will also be available each day through West Des Moines Nutritional Services for $3.50/person.