Monarch Festival Activities:
- Come dressed as your favorite insect for the 3rd Annual Children’s Bug Parade. Wear your wings, your orange and black, antennae or make your costume at the Zoo. There will be special prizes for First and Second place Best Costumes.
- Polk County Conservation will lead Insect Hunts and a Monarch Tagging event. Learn how to safely catch monarch butterflies to attach a tag. If these special monarchs are found in Mexico, they can help scientists track the migration.
- Numerous Plant.Grow.Fly. partners will offer hands-on activities, demonstrations and crafts for the whole family.
- Los Ninos del Tepeyac - Danza Folklorica, a group dedicated to learning and teaching about the Mexican culture through dance, will perform.
- Explore our Butterfly Garden and experience traditional Mexican music by Mariachi Azteca.
- Families and kids of all ages are encouraged to take part in an interactive performance workshop called Follow That Monarch by Carol Taylor's Patchwork Puppets.
- Create your own butterfly oasis in your yard with free milkweed seeds provided by Blank Park Zoo and Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge (limited supply).
- Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie and Nevada Mayor Lynn Lathrop will be recognized
for signing the Mayors for Monarchs Pledge.