Wildlife in National Symbols
January is the time to see bald eagles in Iowa! A great social studies tie in with viewing these birds is the WILD activity “Wildlife in National Symbols.” This activity takes a look at the diversity of countries and cultures that include wildlife in their symbols. An interesting extension to this activity is to look at the symbols of other states, and Iowa schools. Are the symbols animals? Are these animals native to the respective state or school? Research more about the history of the symbols.
Did you know? By 1996, the number of wintering bald eagles escalated to nearly 5,700, more than one-third of all bald eagles counted in the lower 48 states during winter. Usually, only 200 to 300 eagles winter in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Book List
Grades PreK-2
Dell, P. 2004. The Bald Eagle. Capstone Press.
Douglas, L.G. 2003. The Bald Eagle. Children's Press.
Gibbons, G. 1998. Soaring with the Wind: The Bald Eagle. HarperCollins.
Gieck, C. 1991. Eagles for Kids. Northword Pr.
Keenan, S. 2004. O, Say Can You See? America's Symbols, Landmarks, And Important Words. Scholastic, Inc.
Kule, E.A. 2003. Iowa Facts and Symbols. Capstone Press.
Sis, P. 2004. The Train of States. HarperCollins Publishers.
Sorensen, L. 1994. The American Eagle. Rourke Publishing, LLC.
Yanuck, D.L. 2003. The Bald Eagle. Capstone Press.
Grades 3-5
Amato, C.A. 1996. Bald Eagle: Free Again! Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated.
Bair, D. 1999. Eagle Watching. Capstone Press.
Colman. C. H. 2006. Bald Eagle's View of American History. Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc.
Evert, L. 2001. Eagles. T&N Children's Publishing.
Hodge, D. 2000. Eagles. Kids Can Press, Ltd.
Johnson, L.C. 1992. Our National Symbols. Lerner Publishing Group.
Johnson, S.A. 1995. Raptor Rescue!: An Eagle Flies Free. Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated.
Laubach, C.M. 2002. Raptor!: A Kid's Guide to Birds of Prey. Storey Books.
Morrison, G. 1998. Bald Eagle. Houghton Mifflin/Walter Lorraine Books.
Patent, D.H. 1995. Eagles of America. Holiday House, Inc.
Patent, D.H. 1984. Where the Bald Eagles Gather. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Potts, S. 2006. The Bald Eagle. Capstone Press.
Price, A. 2002. Raptors: The Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, and Owls of North America. Rinehart P.
Priebe, M. 2000. Bald Eagle: Endangered No More. Mindfull Publishing.
Quiri, P.R. 1998. Bald Eagle. Scholastic Library Publishing.
Raven, T.M. 2005. Challenger: America's Favorite Eagle. Sleeping Bear Press.
Ryden, H. 1985. America's Bald Eagle. Penguin Young Readers Group.
Stone, L.M. 2004. Bald Eagle. Rourke Publishing, LLC.
Thames, S. 2006. Our American Symbols. Rourke Publishing, LLC.
Wechsler, D. 2003. Bald Eagles. Rosen Publishing Group, Incorporated.
Wilson, J. 1998. American Eagle: The Symbol of America. Child's World, Incorporated.
Grades 6-8
Defries, C.L. 2003. Bald Eagle. Enslow Publishers, Incorporated.
Dudley, K. 1999. Bald Eagles. Steck-Vaughn.
Marcovitz, H. 2002. Bald Eagle. Mason Crest Publishers.
Munoz, W. 2000. The Bald Eagle Returns. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Parry-Jones, E. 2000. Eyewitness: Eagles and Birds of Prey. DK Publishing, Inc.
Patent, D.H. 2000. The Bald Eagle Returns. Clarion Books.
Grades 9-12
Breining, G. 1994. Return of the Eagle: How America Saved Its National Symbol. Falcon.