Know Your Legislation: What’s in It for Wildlife?
With the arrival of spring, comes the arrival of new legislation in the state. State representatives and senators have been in session since January 13. Have students explore the role legislation has on wildlife. Project WILD’s “Know Your Legislation: What’s in It for Wildlife?” lets students actively participate in the legislative process.
Contact your state representative and senator to voice students’ opinions. Visit the State of Iowa's legislative website for contact information..
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Book List
Grades 3-5
Binns, T.B. 2002. EPA: Environmental Protection Agency. Heinemann Library.
Priebe, M. 2000. Bald Eagle: Endangered No More. Mindfull Publishing.
Pringle, L.P. 1990. Saving Our Wildlife. Enslow Publishers, Incorporated.
Grades 6-8
Crump, D.J. 1987. Wildlife: Making a Comeback. National Geographic Society.
Geisel, T. 1971. The Lorax. Random House Books for Young Readers.
Goodnough, D. 2001. Endangered Animals of North America. Enslow Publishers, Incorporated.
Jenkins, P. 1996. Falcons Nest on Skyscrapers. HarperTrophy.
Lasky, K. 1999. She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head. Hyperion.
Law, K.J. 1988. Environmental Protection Agency. Chelsea House Publishers.
Netzley, P.D. 1997. Issues in the Environment. Gale Group.
Reading, R.P. 2000. Endangered Animals: A Reference Guide to Conflicting Issues. Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated.
Sonneborn, L. 2007. Environmental Movement: Protecting Our Natural Resources. Chelsea House Publishers.
Stanley, P. 1996. American Environmental Heroes. Enslow Publishers.
Grades 9-12
Bang. M. 1997. Common Ground: The Earth We Share. Blue Sky Press.
Bell, D. 1998. Political Ecology: Global and Local. Taylor & Francis, Inc.
Carson, R. 2002. Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Collard, S. 2000. Acting For Nature: What Young People Around the World Are Doing to Protect the Environment. Heyday Books.
Conrad, R. 1997. Places of Quiet Beauty: Parks, Preserves, and Environmentalism. University of Iowa Press.
Gaughen, S. 2005. Endangered Species. Gale Group.
Gore, A. 2006. An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About it. Rodale Books.
Hoyt, E. 1991. Extinction A-Z. Enslow Publishers, Incorporated.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 2000. Iowa: Portrait of the Land. Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
McClung, R.M. 1993. Lost Wild America: The Story of Our Extinct and Vanishing Wildlife. Shoe String Press, Incorporated.
McConnell, R.L. 1998. Environmental Issues: Measuring Analyzing, and Evaluating. Prentice Hall Professional Technical.
Oleszek, W.J. 2000. Congressional Procedures and Policy Process. Congressional Procedures and Policy Process.
Pomerantz, C. 1971. The Day They Parachuted Cats on Borneo: A Drama of Ecology. Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers.
Roberts, R. 1998. Endangered Species. Gale Group.
Sanderson, J. and M. Moulton. 1998. Wildlife Issues in a Changing World. CRC Press.
Schwartz, M. 1993. Environment and the Law. Chelsea House Publishers.
Van Allsburg, C. 1990. Just a Dream. Houghton Miffin.
Wilkinson, D. 2002. Environment and Law. Taylor & Francis, Inc.