Aquatic Habitats
People sometimes feel helpless when a problem arises in their community. Yet many times an individual’s actions can start the process of resolving community issues. Students, especially, have initiated many community projects that have improved the way of life for people, wildlife, and plants.
Project WILD Aquatic’s activity “Something’s Fishy Here” enables students to make a difference in their own communities. Be sure to refer to the “Taking Action” section in your Project WILD Aquatic guide for additional information and ideas regarding action projects. Don’t forget to make connections with community organizations in your area for ideas or help with service learning projects.
Book List
Grades 6-8
Amov, B., Jr. 1965. Secrets of Inland Waters. Little, Brown & Company.
Atkins, J. 2000. Girls Who Looked Under Rocks: The Lives of Six Pioneering Naturalists. Dawn Publications.
Cochrane, J. 1987. Water Ecology. The Bookwright Press.
Collard, S. 1999. Acting For Nature: What Young People Around the World are Doing to Protect the Environment. Heyday Books.
Cone, M. 1996. Squishy, Misty, Damp & Muddy: The In-between World of Wetlands. Sierra Club.
Elliot, S.M. 1975. Our Dirty Water. Julian Messner.
Gibbons, G. 1998. Marshes & Swamps. Holiday House.
Giesel, T. 1971. The Lorax. Random House Children’s Books.
Goetz, D. 1973. Lakes. William Morrow and Company.
Greenaway, F and Taylor, B. 1992. Look Closer: Pond Life. Econo-Clad Books.
Heinz, B. 2000. Butternut Hollow Pond. Millbrook Press.
Hidetoma, O. 1986. Insect in the Pond. Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers.
Lelooksa. 1997. Echoes of the Elders: The Stories and Paintings of Chief Lelooksa.. DK Inc.
Lepthien, E. and Kalbacken, J. 1993. A New True Book: Wetlands. Childrens Pr.
Miller, D. 2000. River of Life. Clarion Books.
Morrison, G. 2002. Pond. Houghton Miffllin.
Parker, S. 2000. Pond and River. Dorling Kindersly Publishers.
Pratt-Serafini, K. 2001. Salamander Rain: A Lake & Pond Journal. Dawn Publications.
Rinehart, S. 2004. Eliza and the Dragonfly. Dawn Publications.
Sanders, S. 2002. Crawdad Creek. National Geographic.