Thursday, December 13, 2012


Inquiry & Scientific Questioning

Three Types of Field Investigation Questions

Descriptive Questions
Descriptive field investigations involve describing parts of a natural system. Descriptive questions focus on measurable or observable variables that can be represented spatially in maps or as written descriptions, estimations, averages, medians, or ranges.

• How many _____ are there in a given area?
• How frequently does _____ happen in a given period?
• What is the [temperature, speed, height, mass, density, force, distance, pH, dissolved oxygen, light density, depth, etc.] of ______?
• When does _____ happen during the year? (flowering, fruit, babies born)
• Where does_____ travel over time? (What is an animal’s range?)

Comparative Questions
In comparative field investigations data is collected on different groups to make a comparison. Comparative questions focus on one measured variable in at least two different (manipulated variable) locations, times, organisms, or populations.

• Is there a difference in ______ between group (or condition) A and group B?
• Is there a difference in ______ between (or among) different locations?
• Is there a difference in ______ at different times?

Correlative Questions
Correlative field investigations involve measuring or observing two variables and searching for a pattern. Correlative questions focus on two variables to be measured and tested for a relationship.

• What is the relationship between variable #1 and variable #2?
• Does _____ go up when _____ goes down?
• How does _____ change as _____ changes?

Read the following questions and classify what kind questions they are: descriptive, comparative, or correlative? How did you do? Review the descriptions above if you need help!

• When do maple trees pollinate in Iowa?
• Are more insects found in the schoolyard in September, October, or November?
• Is the wind speed greater near the building or out on the playground in March?
• Where do you find the most pillbugs (isopods): under a log, under a pot, or under bushes?
• Which habitat (in the forest, in the field, or by the stream) has the greatest percentage of sand in the soil?
• Are soil temperatures the coolest at the depth of 5cm, 10cm, or 15cm?
• What kinds of plants grow in your schoolyard?
• In April, which twigs grow faster, those on maple trees or those on oak trees?
• What is the air temperature at your school throughout the school year?
• When do robins in Iowa nest?
• Which location (under bushes, open grass, or on black top) has the highest temperature at 7:00 a.m. at your school?
• Are white-tailed deer more active during the dawn or the dusk in Iowa?
• Do birds sing more from 8:30-9:00 a.m. or from 3:00-3:30 p.m. in your schoolyard?
• How does dissolved oxygen change as water temperature goes up in your local stream?
• What is the relationship between the amount of sunshine and red color in leaves in the fall?
• How does pH affect the number of small-mouth bass eggs hatching in a stream?
• How often do Swallowtail Butterflies lay eggs in a season in Iowa?
• Are there more willow trees near streams or away from them?
• What is the range of bobcats living in rural Iowa?
• How do mouse populations change as hawk populations increase along Iowa’s roadways?