Things to do in your backyard this week!
Build a Fort
Build your
own outdoor hideout!
Old sheets
or blankets
String or
The sky is
the limit! Create a fort by leaning your sticks against an existing structure,
such as a tree or play set, or create a fort by leaning the sticks together
like a teepee. Use ropes or string to help hold sheets in place. Use an old
blanket as the base. Make it your own! A
backyard fort is a great place to hide while you observe birds, write in your
nature journal, read a book, or just sit and think!
Make Rain Music
We have
been getting our fair share of rain across Iowa this year! Celebrate and put
the rain to use by making your own rain music!
(supplied by Mother Nature)
Metal pots
and pans
The next
time it rains (should be soon!) set up metal pots and pans on a deck or your
yard where they will get rained on. Listen to the rain music!
Make a Bug “Movie”
Set up a
white sheet and a light after dark and watch backyard bugs gather to star in
your after-hours “movie”!
sheet, pillow case, or large white paper or cardboard
pins or other way to hang sheet/paper
or lantern
sketchbook, camera or way to record your observations
Hang your
sheet outside in your backyard at a height that everyone can easily see it (so
about head/shoulders height of the smallest participant). Hanging it on a
clothesline, on a deck etc are good ideas.
Set your
light source (flashlight, lantern, or even old lamp with the shade removed)
near your sheet. Turn off other light sources (such as a yard or deck light).
Wait for
insects to show up! Observe, count, record, and enjoy the “night life”!
Dig a Pitfall Trap
Build a
simple pitfall trap to learn about small creatures that live in your yard!
container with steep sides (such as an old yogurt container)
Trowel or
small shovel
small rocks
One larger
Flat piece
of wood
or fruit scraps
Choose a
spot in your yard to dig your trap. The soil needs to be soft enough so that
you can dig down several inches.
Dig a hole
the size and depth of your container. Place container in hole and fill in
around it. You want the top of the container to be level with the ground.
Add the
vegetable and/or fruit scraps.
Place four
small rocks around the trap and cover with the flat piece of wood. Place the larger rock on top to hold it in
place. There should be about a one inch gap between the ground and the wood.
Leave the
trap overnight. In the morning check your trap to see what critters you have
found! Look carefully, they may be hiding. After you have identified and
observed your critters let them go somewhere safe (such as under a bush).
Make a Nature Bracelet
your yard and make a nature bracelet with the things you find!
tape (or similar tape)
Tear a
piece of tape to wrap around your wrist, make it big enough so it can slip on
and off. Wrap the tape into a bracelet
keeping the sticky side out. While wearing your bracelet explore your yard and
decorate your bracelet with tiny treasures you find such as flower petals, small
leaves, seeds, etc. Create your own beautiful masterpiece!
Make a Nature Mobile
Make a
mobile from nature objects you find in your yard!
Two sticks
Yarn or
objects such as flowers, feathers, pine cones, acorns etc.
items from your yard that you would like on your mobile.
Tie the
two sticks into an X. Tie the objects onto your X and viola! Hang your mobile
where you can enjoy your nature objects!