Thursday, October 15, 2015

New Classroom Videos Demonstrating Transitions to NGSS

Four new videos highlighting the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are now available online. Achieve and the Teaching Channel collaborated with an elementary school teacher and high school teacher from Boone County, KY to capture snapshots of what NGSS early implementation looks like in classrooms.

The featured classroom examples illustrate how some educators are transitioning instruction to help students meet the goals of the NGSS. These videos are not intended to signal a one-size-fits-all approach to implementing the NGSS. Rather, the snapshots demonstrate how specific teachers are beginning to transition to the standards and offer guidance to educators currently considering how to best engage students in three-dimensional learning. 

Video 1: Energy & Matter Across Science Disciplines 

Video 2: Making Claims from Evidence 

Video 3: First Steps Towards Transitioning to the NGSS 

Video 4: Working as a Team