Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Celebrating Aldo Leopold

Like winds and sunsets, wild things were taken for granted until progress began to do away with them. Now we face the question whether a still higher "standard of living" is worth its cost in things natural, wild, and free.

For us of in the minority, the opportunity to see geese is more important than television, and the chance to find a pasque-flower is a right as inalienable as free speech.

--Aldo Leopold

Iowa native, Aldo Leopold, truly enjoyed exploring outdoors and sharing his observations with others throughout his life. He is considered the "father" of the wildlife management profession.

Leopold was a conservationist, forester, philosopher, dedicated teacher, writer, and outdoor enthusiast. Leopold's goal in his popular wildlife ecology course was "to teach the student to see the land, to understand what he sees, and enjoy what he understands."

Leopold’s writing inspires others to look at the natural environment through a “lens” of appreciation and respect.

The Aldo Leopold Foundation provides a vast array of tools to help you use Leopold’s writings in your classroom. Resources include fact sheets and discussion guides for Leopold’s most well know publication, A Sand County Almanac, lesson plans, and access to the Aldo Leopold Archives which includes unpublished manuscripts, journals, correspondence, sketches, photographs, and implements he used on the land.